Cat Dad Convinces Local Cops

Chapter 320 – Cat Dad Convinces Local Cops

After the ghost was purged, Jin Ijin rushed into the room and inspected the chief. The latter was still breathing, but he didn't respond to his call.

"What did you do, Miao Xiaomao?!" yelled the detective.

"I'll tell you the story of Solomon Ghosts, munya. If you let me talk, I'll tell you everything."


Jin Ijin told his colleagues to call an ambulance and brought his chief out of the station. Then, all detectives, police officers, and Jin Ijin listened to Xiaomao's story.


An hour later, Xiaomao finished the summary of the situation he was in.

Jin Ijin narrowed his eyes. Although he was still afraid of Xiaomao, he mustered his courage to confirm a few things.

"So if what you're saying is true, the irregular missing cases are all related to the game?"