Cat Dad Catches Up with the Changes

Chapter 329 – Cat Dad Catches Up with the Changes

= B7 Boss Room =

Xiaomao stared at the hologram map of his dungeon in a daze while Meowmeow puffed his chest, proud of his creations.

The map was huge, and the labyrinth's complexity astonished Xiaomao. With just the B1 floor's layout, Xiaomao doubted that anybody could reach Torrent's room and conquer the floor.

"How's that, munya? Now, worship me, you heathen, munya!"

"Senior, you're a god, munya."

"Obviously, I AM A GOD, munya!"

Every time Xiaomao and Meowmeow talked, they meowed like cats, which made every bystander uncomfortable. Mimir, Taotie, Undine, Nymph, Ifrit, and Cookie quietly watched how the cat dad in his human form and a cat interacted.

Nearby, a merman carried a bucket of spiritual fruits from the mermaid sanctuary to the boss room per Undine's order.
