Cat Dad Has Terrible Women’s Luck

Chapter 349 – Cat Dad Has Terrible Women's Luck


"What the?"


Noticing the odd reaction of Madoka, the spectators were puzzled and baffled. They had expected her to either kill or punish the cat, but she seemed strangely docile.

Madoka turned around and politely bowed to ward Jorm, "Please excuse me. I need to fulfill my duty for my master."

"M-Master? What?!" Jorm couldn't believe his ears.


Despite having a huge physique, Madoka swam through one of the palace windows and vanished.

The speechless crowd turned their attention to Xiaomao next. The immortals tried to read his memory and karma, but they found nothing. Only Undine and Nymph sensed a strange ominous air around Xiaomao as they were familiar with this aura.

It was identical to Meowmeow and Mir's aura!

'Cathulhu's characteristic?' Undine suspected that Cathulhus and Catopuses had something in common, and it was related to their origins.