Cat Dad’s Father Was a Lunatic

Chapter 361 – Cat Dad's Father Was a Lunatic

The naked angel got to the B1 floor and leisurely followed the trails of the ant girls. But within three minutes, he ran into a bacteria monster.


Mao Miaomiao sized up the monster. He evilly grinned and ejected a pink pill from his inventory.

In his previous life, he had some experience in alchemy, and he made several weird pills. One of them was the notorious medicine that turned Devil, when he was a full-fledged man, into a refined lady.

Gender-Swap Pill

Before the bacteria monster reached Mao Miaomiao, he tossed the pink pill toward the monster. The pill sank into its body and was instantly dissolved.

The monster flinched and stopped moving. Its deep sound became a high-pitch voice of a tall woman, and its body underwent a transformation.