Cat Dad’s Father is Stupid

Chapter 363 – Cat Dad's Father is Stupid


Mao Miaomiao directly appeared in the boss room. He looked around and spotted several strong immortals there.

Mimir, Taotie, Ifrit, and Cookie sat at a round table in the middle of the hall, playing a D&D game with an extra massive map. As Mimir took the role of the DM (Dungeon Master), he hid a stack of script pages and monster tokens under the table in front of him. As for the other three, they role-played as adventurers, exploring the vast map that Mimir had prepared for them.

The seniors glanced at Mao Miaomiao briefly and ignored him. They focused on the game.

The disguised ant overheard their conversation. Mimir looked at the script behind the cardboard wall and the papers in front of him. He snickered as he narrated the event.