Cat Dad's Wings and Mao Miaomiao's Wings (2)

Chapter 385 – Cat Dad's Wings and Mao Miaomiao's Wings (2)

= B2 Floor, Boss Room =

Party Queen stood alone, facing the group of immortals, led by Lu Bu and Eldrich.

The yellow monster no longer laughed like she used to. She simply stood there, staring at Lu Bu and the intruders. Her job was to buy time, not defeat them.

In secret, Party Queen opened Tian Feng's pouch and released all dimension spiders. The invisible spiders with smiling faces rushed out and disappeared.

Lu Bu's eyes shifted left and right. He snorted and ignored them. He cautiously scanned Party Queen with his unique abilities, ignoring the threat of invisible spiders.

Eldrich bellowed and unleashed his domain. A thousand invisible spiders instantly turned into blood mist.

The weak spiders shrieked and fled out of the boss room. They looked back toward Party Queen for a moment before they left.