Cat Dad's Friends Meet Cat Dad's Mothers

Chapter 392 – Cat Dad's Friends Meet Cat Dad's Mothers

Xiaomao flipped the Heaven Fate Crystal around. He stared at it and thought of Mu-Nyang and the time they spent together on Earth. Although he was supposed to offer this thing to Mu-Nyang, his right eyebrow couldn't stop twitching as if it was warning him about the pending doom.

He put the thing in his inventory for now. Then, he visited the others as the intruder situation had been cleared.


= B10 Floor =

Undine and Nymph gathered all guardians here to tally the casualties. The loss was immense.

Cernun, Alice, Madoka, Meowmeow, Shepherd, Titania, Qidia, and Cookie passed away. The reinforcement from the Desert Frontier was annihilated, and Ma Xingjuan retreated along with Ma Moxi. Fu De was abducted by Mao Miaomiao, but both of them went missing as well.

Taotie, Mimir, and Party Queen survived the ordeal. They recovered from the injuries, but their mood was foul.