Cat Dad Welcomes His Stepmother

Chapter 394 – Cat Dad Welcomes His Stepmother

When Hopea, Undine, Nymph, and Mimir arrived at the B10 floor, they noticed a commotion. Everybody checked on the gold cocoons of Renalla, Gata, Party Queen, and Taotie.

"What happened here?" Asked Undine.

Ifrit reported the situation to Undine, "I don't know. They simultaneously gained enlightenment."

"Four of them at once?"


Hopea touched the smooth surface of Renalla's cocoon. She traced her karma and noticed that the queen was connected to an invisible being. She instantly discovered the mastermind behind their evolutions.

"It's Xiaomao. A dungeon master is akin to a god for the dungeon's residents and creatures. He can upgrade them with Dungeon Points."