Cathulhu's Dark Scheme

Chapter 411 – Cathulhu's Dark Scheme


The desolate wasteland was the home of many dragon deities. They and their followers betrayed Lilith to serve Solomon as they couldn't stand Mao Miaomiao and Mu-Nyang's tyranny.

Inside a volcanic mountain hid an underground palace. In the main palace, the king of the underworld sat on his throne, recuperating from his injuries when he snatched Pangu's dantian universe.

It had been a day since Solomon forcefully had teleported protagonist-class players to the game world number 28. He stopped meditating to check the progress of his minions.

"Where are Baal, Belial, Paimon, Amon, and Clem?"

A tall humanoid demon with dragon horns emerged from the red carpet at the center of the hall. He knelt, "Belial reporting to your majesty."

Solomon nodded at Belial. He glanced at the subordinate's level.
