Cathulhu Loves Chaos

Chapter 420 – Cathulhu Loves Chaos


Mao Miaomiao and Nian exited from the wormhole and appeared in the orbital space of W-28. Both cat and seraphim looked at the green planet for a moment before they shifted their gaze toward the northmost of the star.

A large mountain stood out like an inflamed zit on the tip of the nose. It was over 3,000 kilometers high, which created a bump on the round star. Moreover, the black miasma shot up from the white volcano, shrouding everything in darkness. Even the aurora light failed to penetrate the layer of clouds around the mountain.

"Is this the place, nya?"

Nian noticed the overwhelming negative karma and curses in this area. The dark clouds were so toxic that any mortal protagonist could die if they accidentally absorbed it into their lungs or blood system. Even immortals would have a hard time resisting the thick miasma gas and the negative karma around the mountain.