Cathulhu’s World is Harsh for Protagonists

Chapter 427 – Cathulhu's World is Harsh for Protagonists

A day passed after Xiaomao met Mao Miaomiao. The battle between Nobunaga and Belial was over.

Against all odds, Nobunaga stood tall even though his left arm was missing. He chewed the dantian crystal of Belial while staring at the last opponent in front of him.

Explorer glanced at the corpses of Liu Bei, Jiang Wei, and Wei Yan in disbelief. He then looked at their soul orbs and dantian crystals that had been ejected from their bodies.

"This is impossible! How did we lose to one weak NPC?!"

Nobunaga rolled his eyes. He turned toward the corpse of Nero and Paimon and touched them. Then, their bodies vanished.