Cathulhu Resolves Karma (1)

Chapter 440 – Cathulhu Resolves Karma (1)

Xiaomao stood in the middle of the boss's room, where everybody used to gather and fooled around.



One after another, portals opened. Queen Ant Rennala, Party Queen, Mimir, and Mary came out. When they found Xiaomao, everybody smiled and rushed toward him.

Mimir laughed, "You're back early! I thought we had to come to you!"

Xiaomao also laughed, "My job's finished early. Well, Solomon is dead. Pangu is gone. It's over."

"HAHAHAHA! This is great news! We have to celebrate! Oh, wait. The Song Family and some of our dungeon's people haven't returned yet. I think they're still trapped in one of Solomon's game worlds. By the way, I ran into players from Pandemonium Guild in W-20. I'm sure there are others."

"Are they troublesome?"