
I was ready to dive into the water my staff in hand.

There were numerous NPC races in the game and I had yet to explore them.

There were:

The merfolk, are a race of people who live underwater and can only stay in the sun for a little while due to the sun drying up the stored water in their gill rendering them unable to breathe. They gave a very high affinity to water and are mostly paladins later upgrading to scouts.

The Dwarves are a special race indeed. They have a special abode in the middle of the continent of Gevdin. It is a place surrounded by fire which suits them because they are mostly blacksmiths there. And the most intimidating thing about them is their dragon fury. An ability they have at birth lets them have abnormal strength from birth. They are mostly fire mages but are very skilled around a hammer.

The Elves, are one of the most mysterious races of all. They have subraces consisting of the sun elves the moon elves and the fae-elves.

The sun elves are special indeed having brown crisp skin which is usually very tough. They can't live without sun and unlike the Merfolk just a minute without sun could kill them. They are skilled in fire attacks and are mostly combat mages.

The moon elves are elves with pale skin and blue or silver eyes. They are usually tall and have a muscular build. They are mostly assassins using the power of the moon to enhance their senses. Mostly why they only attack during the night.

The fae-elves aren't full elves and aren't full fae either. The fae doesn't accept half-blood so they went to the elves looking for companionship. They hate fighting but are skilled at it. They prefer to be the strategist or scout of the battle. Some of them are born with wings and are regarded as Higher elves in their community.

The fae, however, lives in a different realm from ours and not much is known about them. But yet they are a member of the hidden plane in our continent.

There were different races on different continents too and I was quite excited since Alan would know about them and maybe get the ability to shapeshift into one of them.

The continents of the universe were plenty but among them were special continents called the eight.

These eight continents were affected by mysterious happenings in the universe allowing them to harness the power of the soil and turn it into something much more magical. However, it may seem it was forbidden to call it magic in all eight continents. A container was like am entire world in this game and we players could only go to these eight continents respectively being:

Drizca the first continent.

Sahjir is the second continent.

Delores the third continent.

Dvale is the fourth continent and currently the continent I am in.

Ficsica is the fifth continent.

Gerard is the sixth continent.

Axans the seventh continent.

And Axons the eight continent.

I blinked a few times before finally concentrating on what I was doing now.

I brought out my weapon from a forever pouch and jumped into the water making sure to unequip my outfit before jumping in.

I couldn't breathe.

And it was a very bad time to say I couldn't swim.

I gave up on swimming and sunk believing that if I die I will be resurrected.

My staff acted voluntarily lunging forward and out of my hands.

It flashed gold before turning into a pin which was tucked into my hair.

I could immediately breathe.

I touched my neck feeling the gills and swam around for a while.

I had attracted some attention from merfolk and I didn't know why until I slammed into a huge guy who looked at me in shock and immediately bowed down.

"Welcome back our king"

A lot of merfolk were around me now is I tried to wiggle out of the scene.

Just then I noticed none of them had a tail or golden gills or scales. They only had blue-colored gills and scales.

Now I got it. I probably looked like their king because of my looks.

I needed to deal with this.