A letter from her former lover.

Meanwhile at the Han residence, some ministers gathered together to discuss political matters with the Left Prime Minister, Han Xiaopeng who was the Empress's father. He owned the scholar's fraction across the country while his counterpart, Zhan Wenshan ruled the military division across the country. After the emperor spilt the power between these hard-die enemies, he cunningly married their daughters into his harem in order to control them. It was okay if they were keeping each other in check, but who could reassure him that they won't turn against him one day? So the two officials constantly fought against each other to win the emperor's favour in court.

Today, he was bit disturbed about the news he had recieved after the emperor had cancelled the morning court. He turned his ring on his finger in thought. "Are you sure this news is true?"

One of his close ministers who sat near him nodded solemnly. "It is indeed true, my lord. I heard that those barbarians, Rudaks have infiltrated the country and have even entered the capital. This news should be reported to the emperor immediately. We missed such a precious opportunity!"

Another minister interjected angrily. "What good victory! I am sure that old vulgar man made some kind of deal with the Rudaks so they could sneak into the palace to harm the country! Despicable people!"

Han Xiaopeng was indeed frustrated about the emperor's decision to cancel the morning court, it was not easy to topple such a powerful enemy like Zhan Wenshan but he still had many opportunities to do it since those barbarians were still in the country. "There is no rush. Since they have spent all their efforts to enter the capital, they won't leave so easily until they have accomplished their mission. Send some private guards and servants to keep an eye on the palace. Inform me of any new developments. I am going to see the emperor."

He was about to stand up when his personal servant rushed to bow to the ministers before he arrived by his side. The servant whispered to him. "My lord, I heard that the Noble Consort fell sick this morning and the emperor decided to accompany her. The empress said that's the reason he gave the decree to cancel morning court."

Han Xiaopeng 's expression was somewhat unnatural as he dismissed the servant. The news had just confirmed his suspicions about the alliance between the Zhan family and the Rudaks. It seemed that the Noble Consort was also involved in this conspiracy and he was now determined to stop them from destroying his country.

He clenched his fists thinking, this will also the end for the Zhan family....

For the past few days, Zhan Yanhui recuperated in peace and also spent some time with the emperor after he returned from royal court meeting. He always came straight to her palace of Unparalleled Glory immediately he was finished to accompany her for lunch. After that, he would blatantly refuse to leave throughout the whole day and even sleep there. It almost gave her the illusion that they were living like husband and wife.

She had also recieved visits from her fellow concubines who came with two purposes; some came to check if she was pretending to be sick only to gain the emperor's favour while the others came to curry favour from her so they could tell her not to forget them when she spoke to the emperor. She never entertained any of them but sent them away with a few words so she could rest in peace.

But today, her peaceful time ended when she received a letter from that person. She took the letter from her maid and opened it. It said that person was asking to meet her in their usual place at midnight. After reading it, she gave it to her maid to depose of it but she read it instead with worried eyes.

"Mistress, what are we going to do? The emperor has been staying here for the past few days. There is no way we can sneak past him." Xue Li placed the letter inside the charcoal burner in the room, leaving it to burn as she faced her mistress.

Zhan Yanhui also thought this was a problem. To defeat her former lover, she had already decided that she must stay informed of his plans no matter what. This will help her counteract him in the future so she planned to see him. How was she going to get rid of the emperor?

The noble consort and her personal maid contemplated over the matter for a while until a  guard entered the room with a message bearing her family clan's seal. Her heart skipped a beat thinking about her family, she had always been worried about them ever since she entered the palace and they solemnly wrote to her in order to avoid the emperor's suspicion. She opened it and read that the Han family head, Han Xiaopeng had accused her father of colluding with the barbarians at the north.

"Mistress, this is not true! Everyone knows that the Zhan armies have sacrificed blood and sweat protecting the borders. The Han family have gone too far!" Xue Li's angry expression changed to a thoughtful one as she suggested. "Mistress, how about you talk to the emperor about this matter once he returns?"

Zhan Yanhui closed the letter and smiled as she passed it to Xue Li. Indeed, she had found a perfect excuse to visit that person but she wondered if she would be able to pull it off since this was a tricky issue. To her, it all depended on the emperor.

Yi Wenkui indeed returned late this time to the noble consort's palace after a stressful say with his ministers and his empress. He stopped for a moment when he heard something break in the inner room and quickly entered inside to see a few female maids kneeling in fear beside a broken vase. He went to his noble consort who seemed to be in a bad mood and dismissed the maids. He wrapped his arms around her but was immediately rejected as Zhan Yanhui slipped away from him with a cold face. It made him uncomfortable. "Hui'er, what's wrong?"

Zhan Yanhui stared at him in silence before she brought out the letter she had recieved from her family and placed it in his hands. When he finished reading it, his whole demeanor became frosty but she didn't care. She glared at him. "Is this true? Do you believe what the Han family is accusing my family? Why are you asking my father to return to the capital? Yi Wenkui, what are you planning this time?!"