Do not anger Noble Consort Zhan....

The next morning, all consorts went to the Empress's palace of Virtuous Grace to greet her. Some came in groups and some people entered alone but all but one of the concubines were present which brought about a lot of gossips from the women who watched the Empress's reaction carefully. The Noble Consort's seat was still empty.

After a while, someone finally spoke up after a moment of silence. "Ah, Your Majesty. You really can't allow this to go on any further. Noble Consort Zhan was granted a break from palace activities because of her illness but now that she is well, she's still not here. Isn't she disrespecting Your Majesty?"

After the Empress and the Noble Consort, there were four women who were granted the title of Consort based  on their exceptional talents and beauty or based on the fact they had given birth to an royal descendant in the palace while the rest ladies were given the titles of noble ladies and court ladies. The person who had spoken was one of the consorts appointed by the emperor, Consort Li who had spent a night with the emperor recently. She was one of the Empress's faction and she had always detested the Noble Consort for harboring the emperor's favour alone even though she rarely spent time with him. Now that she heard that the emperor had fought with her, how could she not help the empress get revenge?

Consort Xi who was pregnant dared not say anything but quietly rubbed her belly in fear. The last thing she wanted was to draw attention to her and her unborn child so she didn't want to offend any of the powerful factions involved. As for the other two consorts, Consort  Feng and Consort Wei, they chose to side with the empress and also agreed with Consort Li's comment. "Your Highness values hierarchy and harmony in the palace. Noble Consort has broken the rules without valid reason, please punish her."

The other ladies present had no choice but to follow their superiors as they got up to say. "Please punish the Noble Consort, Your Majesty."

Empress Han Yaling had a benevolent and magnanimous reputation across the six palaces so many people felt very aggrieved on her behalf. To them, the empress was a virtuous person who was fair and just while the Noble Consort was a ruthless and cold hearted woman who only knew how to bewitch the emperor. The empress sighed sadly and said. "I have tried my best to pamper Zhan mei in order for us to get closer as sisters but it seems like she has chosen to ignore my sincere intentions. What she has done cannot be pardoned. Pass down my decree...."

"I am sorry I am late. " Zhan Yanhui entered the room, sending shivers to all the ladies present as they bowed to her immediately she came. She continued. " I had to make some warm congee for the emperor since I hear he caught a cold last night. Sister Yaling, didn't you know this?"

Han Yaling clenched her fists as she stared at the Noble Consort who was clearly using the emperor to suppress her like she had always done in the past. But the thing she couldn't bear at all was the fact that she was clearly accusing her of being neglectful of the emperor's affairs. This was a great insult to her as the empress of the country. "Indeed, I wasn't informed of this matter. I should thank you for taking care of the emperor for me."

"There is no need to thank me, Your Highness. I am only doing my duty as the Noble Consort." She smiled for a moment before her smile vanished and her eyes glinted coldly. "Servants! Drag Consort Li out and give her twenty slaps on the cheeks."

A few women rushed in the room and grabbed the consort overpowering her as they dragged her outside, closing the door. Soon the painful cries and sounds of slapping were heard making the empress stand up indignantly when she saw what had happened, her hand slamming her seat when she stood up. "Zhan Yanhui, what do you mean by this?!"

Zhan Yanhui's piercing eyes gazed at the empress, sending shivers towards her spine for a moment. The Noble Consort replied. "I am doing this for your sake, Your Highness. The emperor caught a cold when he visited Consort Li last night. She is being punished for lack of care and neglect of the emperor's affairs. Since you weren't aware of this earlier, I took it upon myself to discipline her. Let this serve as a warning to all the ladies here to be more diligent when serving the emperor. Did you hear me?"

At that moment, the female servants returned with a haggard Consort Li whose face was red and very swollen. The consorts who were present were filled with fear when they saw what had happened. This was the consequence of angering the powerful Noble Consort Zhan. Consort Xi who was in pregnant was on the verge on fainting when she saw the scene while the rest ladies wore unnatural expressions as they said. "Yes, Noble Consort Zhan."

Zhan Yanhui ignored the seething empress and sat down gently, taking a sip of tea placed beside her. "Okay, lets not spoil the peaceful atmosphere. We should continue chatting like before. What were you all talking about?"

In the afternoon, the emperor heard what had happened in the empress's palace and clenched his fists. His frown caused his eunuch who had given him the news panic. Of all the people in the palace, he alone knew that the emperor and the noble consort shared the same temper when they were not happy. He didn't even dare comment on the matter at all!

The emperor exhaled with difficulty. "This woman....." He was not sick and he didn't even see her shadow this morning yet she had the guts to use his hand to kill his own concubines! He knew she was clearly venting her anger on Consort Li for attending to him but this time, he felt she had gone too far. "Summon Noble Consort Zhan for me."