Consort Xi is about to give birth.

The Empress Dowager felt very uncomfortable with his words but she still held on to be her pride as she sat beside him and said. "Wenkui, we need to talk about this more properly. This was all a misunderstanding-"

"I don't care about what you have to say. Mother." Yi Wenkui cut in as he threw a dusty golden scroll on the ground in front of her, looking at her with a mysterious smile. "Do you really think that this old decree from my father would save you from returning to the temple? I finally realized that my genius genes certainly didn't come from you."

The Empress Dowager gripped the armrest as she stared at the scroll on the ground. She had indeed sent the decree to him that came from the late emperor which stated that she was never to leave the capital after his death. She knew the reason her late husband had written it was to restrain her but she was happy that it was now working in her favour.