A new alliance has been formed.

Zhan Yanhui looked at the huge man in front of her but for some reason, she was reminded of a cute bear she had once seen in a forest when she went hunting because of his words. She swallowed her instinctive laughter and looked at him seriously. "Do you really think the emperor would really let you go once he releases your men? He is the emperor, where do you want to hide? Now that you have kidnapped his woman, he would surely kill once he realizes its you who is behind this."

Jing Guo's bushy eyebrows furrowed at her words, contemplating over her words. He also didn't want to kidnap them but this was the only idea he could think of to save his brothers and he was determined to see it through no matter what. "We will see about that. It was you people who started this by accusing me and my men of a crime we didn't commit. I don't care about my life but I will sure save my brothers!"