Tarnishing Zhan Yanhui's reputation.

Yi Wuhan winced as he suddenly received a resounding smack at the back of his head. He turned to the person behind him with a very pained expression. "Senior Brother, what was that for?!"

The emperor was currently succeeding in controlling his impulse to kill his junior brother when he heard that question. He took several steps forward before he was restrained by his personal bodyguard. He growled angrily and said. "You stupid brat! What did I tell you when I gave you this prisoner?!"

Yi Wuhan scratched his head guiltly as the memories of his brother repeatedly warning him not to kill this very important person resurfaced in his mind. He lowered his head and muttered softly. "I didn't do anything to him...he was the who decided to die, why are you blaming me?"

The emperor felt blood rising through his chest when he heard his twin's words but he couldn't do anything under the restraint of his bodyguard. He glared at Dai Jie. "Let me go this instant!"