Her argument with the emperor.

The emperor sat down in the middle of the two women inside the Noble Consort's room and the whole room was tense, making all the servants feel very nervous. Yi Wenkui who was indifferent to all these was enthralled by the woman by his right side. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Zhan Yanhui was looking very beautiful although he kept wondering if she had snuck out of the palace again. He wasn't a fool, from the time the empress brought him straight to the Palace of Unparalleled Glory he knew that something was up. He had only gone along with his empress's plans and secretly sent some guards to look for her but Zhan Yanhui had managed to appear so suddenly.

As he was deep in thought, he vaguely heard Zhan Yanhui say to his empress. "This dress is so pretty. I thank Senior Sister for gifting me this dress and granting me the opportunity to accompany His Majesty to the Ancestral Ceremony. This favour, I really don't know how to repay you."