The empress's morning greetings.

The next day, news had already spread that the emperor had travelled again to the border to deal with the barbarians and all official duties were left to the two Prime Ministers to handle before he left. Zhan Yanhui was stunned when she heard the news, when did he leave? How come he didn't tell her about this?

The emperor definitely informed Han Yaling who had come to share the news but p was so petty minded that he didn't even send a servant to tell her about this! This made her feel very depressed and she did not come out of her palace for a few days.

But it seems like even the Empress Dowager would not spare her in his absence as she tried many times to come to deal with her but she had always found a way to evade her. She then decided that it was best to focus on her goal, the reason she was here in the first place.

To correct the mistakes she made in her past life, the rest things didn't concern her!