The first round of the selection.

The next day, all the ladies were gathered outside early morning to begin the exams for the concubine selection. They stood there for quite a while but the official didn't say anything else as if she was expecting someone to come out while most of the ladies were all yawning sleepily. Li Jingfei's heavy eyes were pierced by the sunlight coming from the East and she couldn't help but complain to her maid. "What's happening? If there is nothing important going on, why did they disturb our beauty sleep in the first place?"

The other ladies looked at her strangely because her voice was loud enough for even the female palace official to hear but she didn't care. Her mother had repeatedly told her not to be docile and fragile like these ladies. She was related to the empress so she had to also represent the empress and not cause her to lose face. She had to assert her own authority so the emperor would notice her.