Hua Yin's cunning plan revealed.

The next day, all the ladies were seen preparing with all their strenth as soon as they had heard that the emperor would be attending the final round of the competition. Li Jingfei was currently in her room crying out in pain as her maid applied medicine from a white bottle on her body. She winced as soon as her finger touched her back and screamed. "Be more careful, you stupid maid! Are you trying to kill me?!"

Li Jingfei's maid apologized hastily. "Forgive me, my lady. The imperial physician insisted that the balm must seep into your skin for the medicine to take place. Please ensure..."

"Endure, my foot!" Li Jingfei hissed. "If I had known the emperor's palace was this dangerous, I would have never gone there in the first place. Why didn't you advise me not to go?!"