The Grand Empress Dowager arrives in court.

"Teng Cheng, what are you saying?" Consort Feng grabbed his fingers tightly before he could.pull away as her eyes widened in horror. She asked him tremblingly. "Did my father do something to you? Is that why you did this? Answer me!"

"The deed has already been done. No matter the outcome, I have no regrets." General Teng Cheng refused to tell her that he had received a visit a from an ambassador of Chun Li who poisoned him without his knowledge and had forced him to do this. He had been born and raised in Chun Li, trained as a spy before he was sent to Tai Jin to the Zhan's family. Sometimes, he had forgotten who he was and wanted to live as Teng Cheng, the godson of Zhan Wenshan but they never let him forget it for too long.