Chapter 2 Rewards

8 hours later

Joseph awaken from his cultivation feeling great.

his body felt strong so strong he did not know how strong he is.

And the energy in his body is 5 times as much as before.

"So this is the middle stage of Foundation Establishment " He was fascinated as his strength reach a different level from before.

One had to know before with a punch he could destrong a rock. now with a punch he could knock down a thick iron door.

But what was most fascinating for him now his defence is strong enough to defend against a regular postal bullet.

[ Host, has yet to open Rewards]

"ohh yeah I forgot those why didn't you remind when I reach the lower Foundation Establishment stage" wondered Joseph

[ because the system was just to lazy at the moment ]

"__" Joseph

"open reward" Joseph said with expectations

[ Reward for reaching Lower foundation Establishment, Dragon fist technique human exercise ]

Reward for reaching middle Foundation Establishment, 1 bottle full with tier 1 energy gathering pills ]

"ohh" these reward aren't to bad.

[ the higher host's cultivation the more generous the reward ]

" System could you explain the ranks of cultivation techniques and pills "

[ host Cultivation techniques are use to coordinate the power in a cultivators body. it brings out the power they have stored in them. They are separated in different ranks being










The higher the rank the strong the technique if the cultivation is to low using a high cultivation with hurt a cultivator and hurt their future progress

pill are ranked from tier 1 - 9.

Pills have many uses some are speeding up cultivation and helping wounds heal faster ]

"Ohh interesting" joseph said as he the bottle fill with piles appear in his hand"

The pills had a gold color to it. to an ordinary person they would just look like pills but Joseph as a cultivator could feel the energy in it

Not wasting time he took 1 out sat-cross leg

And just as he was about to eat it a knock cam at his door.

Knock knock

"Son are you alright" a female voice came from the other side of the door

hearing the voice Joseph put the pill back in the bottle, got up and went to the door.

Opening the door Jospeh was greeted by a middle age woman this woman was his mother Malissa.

"I'm fine mom" Joseph said as looked at his mother.

" you sure son you didn't eat the breakfast we left for you this morning" Melissa said worryingly

'oh yeah I forgot to eat, wait why am I not hungry' Jospeh thought as he heard the response of the system

[ No need to worry host along as you keep absorbing energy their is no need for food. the long higher the cultivation the less you need to worry about eating. at your cultivation stage you do not need to eat for a month or 2 ]

'ohh good' Joseph was relieved as not having to eat will save him a lot of time to cultivate.

"Sorry mom, I was just not hungry" Joseph said with a smile

" are you sure you are ok? " asked malissa with concern on her face. Not eating for so long is harmful to the body and as a mother she doesn't want any harm to come to her son

"yes, mom" Joseph said

"Ok I'll trust your word for it son" saying that his mother left.

"finally time for more cultivation" after that

Jospeh took out the scroll with the dragon fist cultivation technique on it.

Being a low level technique it did not look magnificent but when Jospeh open it. Picture of a figure practicing at a waterfall appeared. Every kick and punch had the sound of a dragon roar.

Joseph like a high speed computer process this seen and understood it.

The whole process took seconds which suprise Joseph.

"Didn't I learn it to fast" Joseph said as his strength reach new height using this technique he is 3 times stronger than his current self.

[ The host talent does not just mean Absorbtion speed but learning speed. The host learning speed when it comes to cultivation is the fastest ]

Joseph felt even more happy.

"Now it's time for the pills" Joseph said as he put the pills in his mouth, sat cross-leg and went into a state of cultivation

Eating the pill Joseph sense the energy around him gather even faster than befor. this excited him so continued cultivating.


The next morning

joseph sat cross leg with his eye closed

"It's time I leave my room" said Joseph as he slowly open his eyes.

In his body massive changes even though his looks didn't change from the last time the power in his body has increased by 10 times.

His current realm is the peak of Foundation Establishment

He feel that even a normal punch from him can cause a steel door to be be destroyed completely and this is just a normal punch without any energy in it.

Not only that his defence was so strong he no the system told him even guns like Ak 47's can't break his skin. But he will feel a little sting If a sniper bullet were to hit him in his head.

'So this is how it feels to be strong, it's so great ' thought Joseph with a smile on his face, as he got ready to go to school.

after fleshing up he went to the kitchen

"hmm looks like they went to work" Joseph said as he took the breakfast his mother made for him and ate it.

Even though he did not needed to eat, his mother did make it for him so he might as well eat it.


Tenshin high school

"you guys heard someone saw Joseph today and said that he looks different like he has been working out"


"Joseph the guy from our class "

"ohh him I doubt it the dude is just so unremarkable I forgot about him"

The students were talking in the classroom some about Joseph and some about other things.

Not long the door to the classroom opened. to reveal non other than Joseph.

The students who were just talking about him were suprised. As they were just talking about him not only that, looks like the rumors were true.