Alfred Gibbs

Looking at the futuristic-looking door in front of him, Alfred rubbed his little hands eagerly in expectation.

After taking a deep breath, he calmly placed his left hand on a section of the wall. In less than half a second, the door buzzed lightly and slid open.

Alfred gingerly took a few steps forward while poking his head through the door. Realizing that nothing was out of the ordinary, he walked over to the left where 3 mirrors stood in a triangle. With each mirror standing at a height of 2.5 meters, it was indeed tall enough to cover the average man.

Alfred walked in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection.

'Just as I thought... I really did become a brat.'

It was to be expected, but he really hoped he was only mistaken. There is a difference between transmigrating as a little boy and transmigrating as an adult. One has the freedom to create trouble free from persecution, while the other has total freedom as long as it's within the rules of society. Now essentially all that freedom has flown out the window, exchanged for family shackles.

'Totally not worth it.'

As a man who didn't have a real family to lean on, he really loathed the idea of having to follow such family rules.

'Maybe I should follow that granny's example and flee?'

'Well, I guess it won't hurt to figure out my circumstances properly first.'


After sorting out his thoughts, Alfred once again looked at his reflection.

What looked back at him was a small thin child. Standing at 112 cm tall, he had short dark brown curly hair, and a rather smooth and flat forehead. Further down were two childish almond eyes with pupils as deep as night. With a small button nose and thin lips, he indeed was a cute kid. Alfred looked at the rest of his body and saw that he had a light brown complexion, with wheat-coloured skin, with small fine and straight hairs on his arms and legs.


After checking out his new look, he turned away from the mirrors and went to the right side of the walk-in wardrobe to find fresh clothes. After looking through various sets of children's clothes, he frowned.

"What's all this garbage?"

No matter how he searches, all he found are sets and sets of white or red of almost the same type of generic and plain suits. If not for the 2 contrasting colour options and the slightly different suit styles, one would think that these were clothes randomly swept off a department store's shelf.

No matter the style, everything simply looked the same.

'This won't do!'

'For now, I'll make do, but these need to go... and fast'

Picking up a set of red short pants and a white button-up shirt and clean underwear, Alfred left the wardrobe and hurried towards the hot tub. How could he dally? Even though his room is quite even temperatured, in his current state he really wasn't in the mood to stay in this uncomfortable condition.


After taking a nice and long hot bath, Alfred went back to the wardrobe to once again check out his look.

Although he has the mentality and vision of an adult and really despises the lack of style, he really didn't have much in his previous life, so to the current him, the things around him are indeed quite novel.

Picking out a white pair of socks and a pair of white dress shoes, he put them on and checked them out...

"This is gaudy..."

White dress shirt, red dress shorts, white socks and white dress shoes... Although it was novel, just by looking at his scowling little face, one could see the disappointment towards the lack of proper options.

'I need to get rid of these embarrassing things... Isn't my family supposed to be rich? So why do they lack style?'

Alfred left the wardrobe and decided to swallow the embarrassment and go see the outside world.


After walking for a while, only now does he realize how huge this place is. The corridors are a good 4 meters wide and at least 3.5 meters high. Now that he thought about it, even his room which was for a 5-year-old child was so large. His room must have been at least 42 square meters, not to mention the entire mansion.

After passing a few corridors he finally saw people. Only... they were looking at him strangely, but he didn't seem to notice. Most of these people were maids and guards.

As for why they were looking at him strangely? Well, let's just say that the second young master was known for his strange taste in suits and uniformity. To the second young master, it was either white or red. Never both. To these people though, none of that mattered. Maybe the young master was mixing and matching? Who cares. As long as his actions don't implicate them then he can walk around naked and they wouldn't even bother with him.


Well, they had bigger fish to avoid.