A Worries Feeling

"Okay, everyone's down, we're absent again downstairs," Mom Tina said using Toa "Under that shady tree," Mom Tina added.

All the students rushed to immediately obey what was just conveyed by their beautiful idol teacher.

They immediately gathered randomly under a large tree that was quite shady so that they could shade their ranks. Row into 4 lines to the side.

"All tickets have been bought, so later you can all just enter, and remember that we'll meet back here at three o'clock in the afternoon okay" Mom Tina explained

"Ready Mom" ​​All students answered in unison.

This tourist spot is one of the prides of the people of Malang. The complete address of Sendang Biru Beach is in Tambakrejo Village, Sumbermanjang Wetan. This beach is towards the south of Malang Regency.

The scenery that is presented is also very beautiful and exotic.

So don't be surprised if you can now see a lot of visitors who come here for a vacation and enjoy the beauty that is given.

Almost the same as other tourist attractions, but what distinguishes this beach is its origin.

Sendang Biru Beach is directly opposite Sempu Beach, so if there are no problems then they also have the opportunity to be able to stop by Sempu Beach too.

Sendang Biru Beach and Sempu Beach are only separated by a small and fairly narrow strait.

Sendang Biru Beach itself is also famous for its myths and mystery stories, so it's no wonder that Vino is worried about the spiritual experiences he's afraid to experience again on this beach.

The name Sendang Biru comes from the Javanese language which has a unique meaning, namely a spring that has a blue color.

Not much different from the previous place they visited, but the difference is that this place is more known by many people compared to Banyu Biru Beach.

Shortly after finishing with Mom Tina's explanation, they all immediately rushed to the beach which was ready to be visited.

Having just entered, the facilities provided are very numerous, ranging from Photo Spots to boat rentals, and what steals the most attention is the boats lined up on the edge of the pier, which gives a very striking impression when you see it.

All students are busy with their activities. Some directly play with the water on the beach, and some take pictures at photo spots that are already available in many kinds.

Some rent boats too and much more.

Meanwhile, Vino and Bryant sat relaxing on an old chair on the beach.

Vino was still reluctant to do activities around the beach so he decided to just shut up and sit while looking at the scenery around him.

"I'll buy you a drink first," said Bryant, breaking the silence for a moment. "What would you like to drink?"

"Just water" replied Vino briefly


Bryant rose from his seat and then to a nearby shop selling cold bottled drinks.

Hopefully, here it won't be like where it was before, because I'm still afraid that something mystical will happen again. Moreover, I understand very well that this place is a bit mystical, he said, I just searched the internet and there was also a lot of research that said that, so it's better to just keep quiet and not do much than something will happen later.

Sit down, look at the view, take a few pictures, then go home, Vino is a nightmare.

I sat pensively on the beach under a shady tree that made the wind blow hard, it felt cool, because the weather today was quite hot too. Even though it was only nine in the morning, the sun was shining like noon.

But luckily I was saved by this shady tree, which made my sitting even more comfortable.

"This is yours," Bryant said while handing him a cold aqua bottle "Hey, I'll open it all, okay?"

"Thanks, baby" I replied in a whisper in the 'baby' part.

I could see Bryant smirking as he heard that whisper from me.

I decided to just sit back in this chair because I didn't want to do anything at all. I don't know for some reason I can't get rid of the image that I saw yesterday in my head flash, until now it feels like that image still resonates, which makes me sometimes scared myself when I think back on it.

"Bryant I chat with Daniel okay," I asked Bryant "I just want to make sure of something"

"Ahh it's okay honey, just text him," he replied smiling at me. "Remember that I won't be jealous now, you already have me hehe"

"Hehe thank you dear" I replied to him with a smile

I took out my phone and then opened Instagram to message him. When I open my phone a lot of notifications come in, and one of them is from Tristan, but I don't intend to read the message.

"Daniel how are you" I sent the message when he happened to be online on Instagram.

[Wow Hi, I'm fine how about you? How was your vacation?] Respond quickly.

"Wow, thank God, I'm also good. The vacation is interesting hehe, want a video call?" I replied to him, offering to video call together.

I told Bryant, and he allowed me to have a video call with Daniel, Bryant also wants to know how he is now. Bryant is now not like he used to be who is always jealous of his brother, he is now more relaxed with his brother, even though it has something to do with me, he still tries to relax.

Because I know that he did that, after he found out that Daniel wasn't feeling well anymore, the last time he saw her in the dining room at Bryant's house, it was obvious that he was in a bit of a bad shape.

[May I make a video call?] Reply

"Sure," I replied quickly

"Okay then"

I decided to directly video call Daniel via Instagram.

"Hi," I said waving at the camera, but I couldn't see Daniel's face, because it was dark.

"Hi too." His voice was unusually deep.

"Why your voice?" Bryant and I asked at the same time hearing Bryant's voice so deep and hoarse.

"Ahh, I'm just coughing" The answer is a bit difficult.

"Daniel, turn on your bedroom light!" Said Bryant who joined the video call.

And without Daniel answering Bryant, he immediately turned on the light in his room, so Vino and Bryant could see his face now.

Vino and Bryant froze when they saw that Daniel was not in his room, but was in the hospital. It was clear on camera that he was wearing a breathing apparatus.