Dinner Event

Vino gave a wide smile to the woman who was now bowing before him, "I am both doing it all too sincerely to help!"

Said Vino while asking Vera to be able to straighten her body again.

"I want to see my friends first because I feel like I leave them for too long!" Vino said to Vera and Jonathan who was in the room.

"Fine, please!" Vera answered softly to Vino and Bryant who had just left the room.

Vino and Bryant walked slowly to get out of the kingdom, he was about to go to see Arthur and Michael who he asked before to help prepare for the event tonight.

When Vino and Bryan came out of the royal area, they were both surprised when they saw that the preparation for dinner was very neatly arranged. Maybe out of 100%, the preparations made are almost 80%. So just finishing the decoration.