Dropping Vino Immediately

They all immediately fell silent when they heard Kronos say that, and slowly looked in the direction where Vino stood in the middle of the vast yard.

"How to?" Tristan said in response to what his boyfriend said, even though he was forced to say that, but he must know immediately what plan would be done by Kronos to Vino.

"Luckily I brought the remaining power pills, and this last pill has a special effect to be able to relieve a force that is not his," Kronos said trying to explain the usefulness of the pill in his small suitcase.

"What is meant by relieving a power that is not his?" Bryant asked to confirm this to Kronos, for fear that it would affect the strength of Vino.

"What I mean is, this pill will help Vino to be aware because I think that now he is unconsciously doing that, and the strength he has now is a manifestation of the power of the giant figure!" Kronos said answering what Bryant asked.