My escape plan

*Li Haoyu's POV*

Last night events appeared in my dreams as horrible nightmares. I didn't get to sleep properly either, thinking about how to confront things when the morning came.

Every hour, my anxiety would force me to wake up. And I had to make sure and check if the door to my bedroom is properly locked before going back to sleep once again.

Since I don't even let the nurse in, I got to treat my wound on the heel by myself. Thankfully, there's a first aid kit in my room left by the oblivious nurse, which made tending the injury a lot easier for me.

Finally, the morning has arrived and rays of first light started to invade my bedroom.

I've never been scared of mornings as much as I do today. With all the things happened last night, there's only one thing I wish to do once the morning comes.

Leave this mansion right away.....

But, thinking about that alpha, I have this hunch for worst case scenario.

What if he doesn't let me go and forcefully lock me up in a room of this mansion?...

This premonition is not impossible, considering that alpha's attitude and unrestrained manners last night.

Giving the fact that the alpha took an interest in my body, the nurse and even the servants of this mansion won't let me leave without giving any problems. They would definitely told me to ask permission from their alpha master first.

Fortunately, I already have laid out a plan for my escape since last night.

Without wasting anytime, I washed myself up. After grabing two loaves of bread left from my yesterday snacks to appease my hunger, I started the first step of my plan right away.

First step- to disguise myself as a maid

As to what I heard from the nurse during previous days, there are exactly thirty maids in this mansion. All of them dress in the same uniform and they have their own respective chores to do everyday.

Thankfully, I happened to have a maid uniform in the closet here since this room was previously used by a head maid before I came. She must have carelessly left this one behind. And I can't appreciate her enough for that.

It's just a formal two-toned long dress with a mixture of black and white shades.

But, before I get to put on this dress, I have a big problem to solve- my blonde hair.

Dad said I was born with dark hair but the color started its transformation to blonde one during the first six months.

In my sixteen years of life, I has always been so proud of my unique and beautiful hair color. But now, this is nothing more than the source of a head aching problem to my escape plan.

In fact, I just need a simple headscarf to hide my hair. But, the problem is.....

where can I get that headscarf?

This is the so-called head aching problem I couldn't solve since last night.

Maybe my tired brain is functioning properly again in the morning. An idea I haven't thought of last night suddenly occurred to me. I don't need a real headscarf. As long as something I can use as one is in this room...

I rummaged through the entire closet. But, there are only some pajamas and three casual outfits of mine. This is not my home and the fact that the alpha bought these many outfits for me is already generous enough.

In the end, I didn't find anything I can use as a headscarf in the closet. Refusing to give up, my eyes scanned around the entire bedroom. It was then I finally realized that godforsaken solution had been just under my head for the entire night.

The pillow cover... the design of my pillow cover is just perfect to use as a headscarf. Now, I only need to tear it apart and change it into a headscarf.


Since I first gained consciousness in the mansion, I've never been outside. In fact, I just have no idea where this mansion is. This certainly is not in my B city. I'm sure because, if there's a magnificent mansion like this in B city, it wouldn't fail to catch my attention at all.

As an omega with a fervent dream to become a professional architect, I've seen and explored all the mansions with unique designs in B city, that's why.

Things went pretty smoother than I had expected. The only thing I need is to complete a casual disguise and the rest went all okay.

Just as the number of maids here are massive, the mansion itself is also eerily huge with several hallways and nearly a hundred rooms.

I rarely encountered any other maids on my way. And, even if I happened to, nobody paid much attention to me.

They simply do what they are supposed to do. And, the strangest thing of all is that they are all eerily quiet and extremely neat in doing their own chores. There's no chatting or any extra pleasantry amongst maids.

Some meaningless doubts even occurred to me that whether maids here are really humans or just some humanoid robots.

But, of course, I know they really are humans. I'm just amazed by their unique behaviors.

As I pretended to do some cleaning and avoided getting suspected by other servants as little as possible, it took me only fifteen minutes to get out of the mansion.

Problems started only after I entered the garden. In the past, the nurse only let me walk in a specific area of the garden, never letting me wander anywhere further than this.

Fortunately, I had once asked her where the mansion's gate is. By then, she gave me a casual answer that said, the gate was right at the other end of the garden.

So, I thought it would be easy to find the gate. I mean, after all, how large can a garden be? But, I was wrong.

The garden should be at least 30 or 40 acres in area. Not to mention, this estimation is only based on the distance I've walked so far.

To take care of such a garden, I bet massive amount of gardeners will definitely be required.

With the injury on my heel, I started to feel tired not long after. Despite gorgeous flower fields and landscapes here, I'm not in the mood to appreciate the scenery.

The further I walk, the more I suspect if this garden even have ending perimeters.

But, it seem like dear heaven had taken pity on me and chose to help me after all.

On my way in the garden, I happen to encounter a middle-aged maid and a butler. Before any of them caught a glimpse of me, I quickly hid myself behind a boxwood hedge.

At first, I was only hiding myself from them in anxiety. But, due to my acute sense of hearing, I happen to overhear their conversation.

It seems like the butler is giving a list of grocery items and necessities needed in the mansion, to the maid.

To go out and buy these items, that maid has to head for the mansion's gate, meaning I can just stealthily follow her and finally get out of this alpha's territory.