His monstrous side

[Warning- gore and violence ahead]

"Tell me is it fun to aspire the life of a mob boss? "

A sudden deafening gunshot noise reverberated in a room with little light. It was a bullet shot out from a submachine gun wielded by an alpha with cold hazel eyes.

The bullet missed the head of a baldy collapsing on the cold floor only by a few millimeters.

Both of the bald man's hands had been chopped off from their wrists, black and purple bruises all over his body with other seriously bleeding injuries.....

This is the masterpiece prepared by elite soldiers for their most respected boss.

Believe it or not, this tortured baldy was the underboss of Mogui gang, the most trusted underling of Wang Mingze until yesterday.

"Running your own rackets behind my back, you might also have big ideas in that head of yours how to have me shot down as well, no? "

In the world of mafia, backstabbing each other almost looks like a custom. No one can be fully trusted. There are always men starving for power. There are always random crooks vying to take control of the entire crime syndicate at any given opportunity.

Allies of decades can be turned into enemies within a minute of dispute. It was as if animals with armed weapons killing each other with no moral conscience.

"Boss! please, you're mistaking my intentions. This subordinate is just trying to expand the power of our organization by my own means. I never meant to betray you. Boss.... please spare me! "

"Trying to expand the power of organization? But why without uttering a word to me?

And what did I tell you about drugs dealing? Our gang doesn't deal drugs. I think I made it clear since before you become a made man of this organization. "

The alpha relaxedly loaded the gun while stepping on the bleeding right wrist of the baldy with solid heel of his patent leather shoe.

Enduring the pain coming from his cut off wrists, the bald-headed man opened his lips, eager to give an excuse about him secretly doing illegal drug business behind his boss' back. But then.....


A bullet was fired right into his mouth.

This is Wang Mingze's way of shutting people up who like to give excuses to him. Just feed them some bullets.

Narrowing his eyes, Wang Mingze took a glance at his wristwatch as his other hand opened fire on the man until the other's head turned into a bloody pulp and barely looked that of a human.

Then, without sparing another glance at the corpse, the alpha turned around and eyed his soldiers standing behind him with his cold hazel eyes.

No one dares to look into those eyes as everyone has their head lowered with shivering fear.

This is the kind of brutal boss they've known for years. His murderous temper and remarkable skills are not feared only by rival gangs but even by his own underlings.

"Cut his head off and feed his body to my pets. They must have been really starving by now."

When the alpha said 'pets', all his soldiers knew it meant hyenas.

"We get it, boss"

They all replied in union.

One glance and no body would think these men here belonged to a mafia gang.

Dressing in elegant butler uniforms, these elite soldiers work as butlers for most part of their days. Only when something important to deal comes up, they take action and reveal this side of theirs. The same story goes for maids in the alpha's mansion as well.

If only the poor omega found out that all maids and butlers he'd been seeing in the mansion are hitmen, assassins and elite soldiers working for this brutal alpha boss, he would definitely end up being the one who locked himself and hide in his own room.


*Li Haoyu's POV*

"You did try really hard. It's such a shame that you're now on an island. Otherwise you must have already escaped. "

As the doctor gently dabbed the scratch on my knee with a water-soaked gauze pad, he kept talking about how close I'm to successful escape.

But, I can only purse my lips, and at times, respond to him with a forced smile.

Now, not only in front of that alpha, I have to stay cautious in the presence of this doctor as well.

At first, I lowered my guard around him, thinking he is just a regular family doctor. But now.... sigh....

Now that I think about it, it seems like I got to stay alert around all the living persons on this island.

They all seem to know whom that alpha is with the only exception of me.

Until all these 15 days are over, I can't drop my guard around anyone. They are all working for that alpha who seems to have an extremely dangerous identity.

As for now, I can't do anything but to obey the alpha and hope for the best.

After disinfecting my injury, the doctor carefully covered it with an adhesive sterile wound dressing.

"Thank you, Doc. "

The doctor has finished dressing my wound on the heel as well. Despite being a little talkative, he's extremely careful in treating my wounds though.

I really appreciate it. But, I've only been showing my gratitude to him with words.

In the past, I didn't think it was something necessary to properly express my gratitude to him. But now, I can't stay oblivious anymore. In case of emergency, in case something's gone wrong between me and that alpha, I need to get on this doctor's good side.

"Doc... "

Reaching under my pillow, I dug out a beautifully wrapped chocolate bar.

Normally, the nurse doesn't let me eat any candies or chocolate as much as I want. As a result, I have to hide some under the pillow to appease my craving for sweets.


Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

"That's not it..."

Scratching the back of my neck, I handed him the chocolate bar with mild embarrassment.

A candy or some other sweets might have been better. But now, giving a chocolate bar seems a little bit too romantic for a thank-you gift.

The doctor seemed surprised, receiving a chocolate bar from me out of nowhere. He looked at me with confused eyes. And, I couldn't help but to quickly speak something to relieve the awkwardness.

"Thank you, Doc.... "

"oh.... turn out this is just a thank-you gift.

Here I am thinking I'm finally getting confessed to by the cutest omega in the world...."

I wasn't expecting the doctor to suddenly flatter me like this. Out of bashfulness, I averted his eyes and let out a few coughs.

Still sensing his strange gaze on me even after all those coughs, I looked up. And there we happened to meet eyes.

To my questioning eyes, he responded with a handsome smile before saying, "....seems like I'm not that handsome enough to catch the attention of such an beautiful omega after all. "

I suppressed the urge to give him a frown when he uttered the word 'beautiful'.

As a man....

um... well....still not a man but already a young man...as a young man, I don't like to get targeted by the word 'beautiful'.

I'm a male and I don't think 'beautiful' is the right word to praise my looks.

Usually, the doctor is just a little bit talkative....just a little bit.

But now, he's even acting flirtatious with me. I don't see what's wrong with giving chocolate as a thank-you gift. Had I foreseen this kind of strange reaction from the doctor, I would have taken some time to think of offering other gifts to bribe him.

As I was thinking how to break this weird atmosphere, the familiar low, deep voice of the alpha resounded by my bedroom's door, his tone sounding frostier and sterner than usual.

"Liu Hong..... "