Figuring out what the alpha wants

"Last Sunday night approximately at 8:24 pm, a deadly drive-by shooting broke out on the lively roads of W city, right in front of a renowned fine-dining restaurant called 'Decus'.

According to the images caught by a security camera installed in front of the restaurant's entrance door, the criminals used a black Genesis G80 during the execution of this incident. "

Listening to news on a giant TV that was set up on glass wall, Wang Mingze drummed his fingers on the surface of the glass ceramic desk as he numbly stared at the opaque glass wall of his study room, his cold hazel eyes devoid of any emotions other than boredom.

"One death case is reported with four passer-by citizens left with severe gunshot wounds.

The deceased victim is a middle aged man who just came out of 'Decus' restaurant when the drive-by shooting occurred.

The shooters mainly targeted that man amongst all the victims. According to the witnesses, it is said that his aftermath dead body was riddled with hundred of bullets that it barely looked human."

'Which idiot is brainless enough to take down a mob boss just like that and willingly gain several enemies?'

The alpha picked up his laptop and tapped its touchscreen a few times. A second later, one of his brows raised with confusion as his hazel eyes attentively stared at the screen.

'He's using a social question-and-answer website? '

The corner of his lips curved up into a vague smile as his eyes skimmed through the question posted by a specific person and some amusing answers below from random people.

Nonetheless, that vague smile on his face vanished quickly once the alpha put his laptop down back onto the desk.

A second later, his attention went back to live news on the giant TV. The cameraman is now showing a male reporter who is standing on a pavement near the crime scene that is protected by the police.

"But what's most bizarre of all is that five minutes before the cops arrived and protected the crime scene, the corpse of that man was taken away by a group of unidentified men in a grey van.

According to our interview with the cops, police assumed that it should be just another bloodshed between rival mafia gangs....

Based on the recorded CCTV footage, cops came to learn that the man taken out is the infamous mob boss nicknamed 'Snow Tiger', one of the most wanted criminals in W city owing to his illegal drug dealings.

Citizens are getting worried due to rumors that said a war between mob bosses in Axxx Kingdom, is starting soon. "

'A mafia war?.....

seem like the chairman of the committee will be contacting other mob bosses soon. "

With this thought, the alpha leisurely turned off the news.

Resting his head on the headrest of a black swivel chair, Wang Mingze closed his eyes. After a moment to ponder, his cold hazel eyes opened and the alpha casually clapped his hands twice.

At that second, the opaque glass wall of his study room immediately turned transparent. And the view of another room instantly came into his vision.

There, a young man with an angelic face and beautiful blonde hair is curling up on a comfy chaise lounge. In his delicate and slim hands was a big iPad that was hovering above his small head.

The youth let out a light yawn before taking a quick peek in Wang Mingze's direction. It was then shock took over his pair of light blue eyes.

Li Haoyu frantically sat up and smoothed out his disheveled hair. Holding the iPad in his hands, his light blue eyes looked at the screen attentively as if he was doing some kind of serious work with it.

After staying a minute like this, Li Haoyu finally took another peek in the way of Wang Mingze's study room. A deep sigh of relief left his lips as he saw the glass wall between their rooms had already turned opaque again.


*Li Haoyu's POV*

[ How can I make my alpha satisfied in other means that have nothing to do with sex? ]

Looking at the question I just posted on social media, I heaved a sigh out of frustration and self shame.

I should have just posted a simple query that said "How can I make my alpha happy? "

But now, I only ended up creating a heated argument online. These netizens are not giving me any useful ideas at all.

[ In other ways that have nothing to do with sex?

There's almost nothing an alpha might desire from an omega if it's not sex.

Just give them your pussy, kid. It definitely solves everything. And your hungry alpha will get satisfied as well. ]

[ We're living in an era where omegas are far inferior to alphas.

From your question I have this hunch that you are in a relationship with an alpha.

And your alpha is asking for a specific 'thing' from you, giving the intimate relationship they have you as a reason.

And I only have one suggestion for this.


Considering that you even have to ask for advice online, he might have been forcing you to make out with him when you clearly don't want it for various reasons. I suggest breaking up is the greatest option.]

[That certain bitch above..... why are you making up a drama by yourself and trying to destroy other people's relationship? If you're single, just stay single.

Don't keep spitting nonsense everywhere. It stinks here because of you.

Alphas are not some weird animals with sex being the only thing in their head. ]

[Oh so there's finally an alpha here. Then tell us. How can we satisfy you alphas if it's not with sex? with money?.....

Regular citizen omegas only have some lowly paid jobs like babysitters, pet sitters or teachers at all-omega-schools. If one is not from an affluent or royal family, omegas can only earn big by serving royal family as a maid or selling one's body like a prostitute.

Sorry but money is not something we can afford to spend to divert alphas. ]

As I scrolled down and down, I can only heave another sigh helplessly. This is just a regular case in almost every kingdom. Compared to omegas, betas are still doing fine.

Being born as an alpha is like holding a certificate for guaranteened future and career when it is the complete opposite for omegas.

If only I were not born as a son of a millionaire alpha, I might not have such easy life either.

Regular omega citizens are the main victims of this unfair economy system.

When education is a normal thing for all alphas and betas whether poor or rich, it turned into a privilege for omegas even to be able to attend schools. No special education means no successful career.

Omegas are regarded as not suitable for working environment due to their disturbing heat and fragile body nature.

The discussion about bestowing the same education system as alphas on omega citizens, had been a popular topic till recently. But since royal family doesn't seem to have a positive opinion about this, this topic is swept under rug not too long ago.

'I have my own problems to solve. It's not time to think about problems of our citizens.'

Reminding myself like this, I tapped open a browser app and started looking for some useful articles.

The thought that, this iPad screen is mirrored to the alpha's laptop kinda brought mild fear and embarrassment to me.

But, it's stil a good thing that he let me use wifi and social media for suggestions. If not, I might have to wreck my brain way harder than I already am right now.... though I still can't find any useful ideas in the end anyway.

All this mess started due to my silly response to the alpha's words in my bedroom. By then when he said,

"If you don't like any of the options, then ask yourself if there's anything you can give me other than your sweet hole but at the same time, that can satisfy me.

I hate to do forced sex.

You'd better prepare yourself for the next time."

His words made me feel so helpless that I could barely restrain myself not to cry out loud.

From the start, I should have had behaved myself more properly and not let the alpha change his mind.

"wait!... mister.... sob.... give.... give me a chance please.... sob... "

I uttered those words without thinking twice just as the alpha was about to leave my room.

"What do you mean by that? "

"I.... I know... mister doesn't need money....but I still don't wanna risk my virginity either..... so, please.... give me a chance....Please give me a chance to figure out something else I can give you that will also satisfy mister. "

Since I came out alive from those kidnappers' hands, it was my first time uttering long sentences continuously like this.

Cold sweat broke out. And I could barely catch my breath after. I know I shouldn't have overly forced myself and uttered all those words even if it was with a desperate will to survive. It might have had a bad impact on my mental health in the long run.

" It's funny that you are asking for a chance to figure out such a thing when I myself is so sure that there's nothing else I need. I'd rather say your effort is simply just dumb. "

Totally ignoring my miserable condition, the alpha concluded my pleas with a single word- dumb.

His words filled doubts in me. But, I was just in a condition with no other choice. Despite not being that sure of myself, I just had to inwardly encourage myself and refute as if I was oozing with absolute confidence in my ability.

"People think...they know very well.....about themselves...But mister, we often...huff.....just don't understand or know that very well about ourselves..... I believe that I will be able to figure out will want from me...something which is not sex. "

As all those words left my lips, I huffed and puffed as if I just ran a mile. But, much to my delight, the alpha finally showed some acknowledgement to my stubbornness.... though I wasn't even sure if I should be happy or cry because I knew that I just attracted a bigger problem to myself.

"Okay then. I will give you that chance. But since I hate to waste my time on useless things, I will only give you half a day.

Follow me, observe me and figure out what I want in half a day. I will even let you use wifi and browser if you think they will help.

But once this evening comes, you have to tell and show me what that other thing is which will satisfy me. And I'll decide if that thing can really make me happy or not. "