How a mafia monster was made

"Papa... papa... do something.... sob... "

A young kid in pale blond hair that almost appeared glossy white, rushed into the bed chamber of what used to be his dad and papa's. Tears are hanging at the corner of his hazel brown eyes, threatening to stream down his small and chubby face at any moment.

Despite it being the middle of the night, the royal chamber had little lights on, almost scaring away the child with its spooky darkness.

"Little Huan?...

What's wrong, dear? Why aren't you sleeping yet? "

Just as the child was leaving the room to look for his papa elsewhere, a gentle voice belonging to a young male resounded from deep inside the murky chamber. Mingling in that voice are well-suppressed melancholy and despair which the child completely failed to notice.

A source of weak light flickered in the chamber as candles of a gorgeous chandelier hanging above a gold white hand-curved nightstand, was slowly lit up one by one.

The sobbing child was briefly bewildered, not getting why his papa didn't just turn on the lights. But, these trivial doubts were immediately brushed aside as gloomy chamber with dim light attracted sadness out of him. The young child ran into his papa's fragile arms and snuggled his small face into the other's warm chest as he sobbed uncontrollably.

"Papa....papa.... do something.... sob...

They are telling Huan that dad is getting executed tomorrow. That isn't true. Right, papa?.... hm? Papa?..... sob... "

Letting out his pheromones to comfort the kid, the young male carefully picked the little omega up. Sinking down on the king-size bed that had thick comforters, the youth let the kid snuggle up to him while holding the other gently on his lap.

" Little Huan, where did you hear that from? "

"It's the new royal chaperone.....

...Papa, please don't tell Huan that it's true..... "

For a moment, the youth's light blue eyes were disturbed by traces of melancholy. Tears almost started to well up in them. But, suppressing this urge is a must in the presence of his little son.

Just like his youngest son, the youth also had fascinating blond hair but with a lot darker shade. Under the weak yet warm light of candle chandelier, his blond hair was a charming scene of whites, golds and browns.

Normally, telling lies was never his thing but now....

"Of course not, little Huan.

Your dad is doing.... fine....

He's doing fine somewhere outside the Royal Palace...."

"Really, papa? "

The gorgeous young man forced a smile and it was what all it took to convince the little omega.

After a couple minutes of comforting, the child finally fell fast asleep right on his parents' bed.

Sitting beside his asleep child, the young man numbly stared at long and thick curtains that were completely covering his bedroom windows.

After a moment to prepare himself, the omega reached out under a big pillow and pulled out something hidden beneath.

Just one glance and one can tell it was a booklet made by binding a stack of paper together. The book cover seemed brand new while the sheets inside appeared so old. Some sheets even looked as if they were smoothed out from pieces of crumpled paper.

A flicker of amzement flashed across his light blue eyes, discovering that paper sheets inside didn't even have the same size.

The book gave off a rusty odor, almost smelling like blood. But then, it was tinged with earthy fragrance that smelled so good like the soil after first rain.

"You might think that's a diary but it's not.

It's a way of nurturing my grudges so that they will never get dissipated even after decades of other struggles.

Try reading some of the notes. And I bet it will help you hate me more than you already do right now...

If things went wrong and I didn't get to see tomorrow's sunset, I'd appreciate if you bother to read it.

Hate me, despise me and forget me... "

It was what his alpha said when the young omega was given a chance to see him in the dungeon for the very last time.

Pursing his lips, the young man flipped open the book, his light blue eyes hesitantly scanning through the first page.

It was just a plain note with no mention of place and date.

[ Being a son of traitors, I'm now one of the most wanted criminals by the royal family . My face is everywhere on local news. There are barely any citizens who can't recognize my face that I can't even take a risk to find myself a job. That said, who would even bother to accept a random ten-year-old as their manual laborer?

Without a single penny in hand, I got to find and eat disgusting left overs from smelly trash cans on streets. Most of the times, they taste so awful like shit. But, to be able to survive, I have no choice but to put anything into my stomach. ]

Snowy delicate hands of the young omega nervously clenched into a fist, knowing that this was a note written by a ten-year-old version of the mafia boss.

Hesitation took control over his slender, long fingers but after a moment, they gathered enough courage to flick the book and read another page. In the process, the youth noticed that the back page of the first sheet was completely blank.

[ Today, I've overcome one of the most terrible Fridays of my life.

While coming out of the cargo hold, I was spotted by the crew. They all beat me up black and blue till my ribs cracked simply because of stowing away on their ship. One of those lowly creatures even spitted their disgusting saliva at me while in the middle of it.

Still, I was fortunate enough to escape since the ship had already landed. ]

'Seriously, does mister want me to hate him or pity him?...'

The first note and this one had no relation in events. The calligraphy didn't look the same either.

If they weren't binded together into a book like this, no one would ever realize these were written by the same person.

The tip of his long fingers flipped a page, his eyes about to land onto the next crumpled sheet when he realized there's something written on the back of this second sheet.

[ Now, it'd already been three years since this incident happened. And, I finally managed to fulfilll one of my wishes.

All staff working on the ship on that specific day, had already met their ends in the hand of my gang. Not capable of recalling who's the one that spitted at me by then, I ordered my comrades to cut tongues of all the staff prior to feeding them to sharks.

To my delight, that day, I had a chance to enjoy one of the most fascinating bloody shows I've ever seen in my life of crime. ]

The young omega immediately flipped the book close. Now, he understood the alpha was not telling jokes when he said reading notes in this booklet would definitely make him feel abhorrence to him.

Despite the ultimate reluctance to open the book again, curiosity took control him. In the end, the omega still continued to read the book.

The front page of every single sheet was always stuff about how the alpha suffered back in those dark days. Sometimes, they were so horrible that tears wouldn't stop welling up in the omega's light blue eyes.

But, every time he finished the front page, the young man could only hope to see a blank back page. He's terrified to find out how notes on the back page always depicted the ultimate brutality of a mafia monster.

After a while, the young omega finally came to the last page of the last sheet. There were many parts he skipped in between because his heart just didn't have enough energy and courage to read it at all. And what's written on the last sheet was ....

[ Why? Why did they have to send a hitman to claim the lives of mom and dad? Why can't they just let us go? Those selfish people have already got everything they want from us why?!... why?!.... why?!!!!

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.....they say. But, my revenge will never come to an end until the whole world goes blind. ]

The young omega quickly realized this was the earliest note his alpha wrote despite being arranged as the last page in the book. A droplet of tear fell on the old and crumpled page before his pearl white slender hands found the energy to close the book.

Now, he understood why people say a monster is not born but made. With all the storms disturbing his life, even though the alpha wasn't broken, he could only turn into a brutal monster.

' I will never forgive mister for every inhumane thing you did. I hate you to the core.

But, that hatred is not enough to stop me from loving you either.

For me, you are that alpha whom I feel the most intense loathing for. But, mister have already intoxicated me so much that it comes to a point where I can barely imagine a life without you. '