Captain kept running, but he wasn't sure how long his almost all wooden legs could take it. Krill jumped from beam to beam from the roof like a giant monkey that merged with a squid. Then, Captain couldn't see Krill anymore.
" Where are you, Krill? I know your hiding! "
"Hiding? It should be you that should be hiding "
Captain pulled out the only weapon he had on him, his tail stinger.
" You don't have to be afraid... We can make you new again!" Krill said, her voice bouncing off the walls.
" I don't want to be new. My scars are my story, and my replacements are what makes me feel like I have a purpose. I don't care to fly, and I don't care to walk"
Then he heard a chuckle coming from above him. It was definitely Krill. Captain readied his tail, ready to strike from above.
" If you don't care to live, than I'll finish you here and now "
Krill dropped from above and was stabbed in the neck by Captain and thrown off to the side. Krill stood back up, weakly.
" You DARE strike me?" Krill said in a raspy voice.
Krill pulled out a poison barb from her tail, readying herself to strike. Krill charged at Captain and they both stabbed each other. They pulled out and fell to the ground.
" Captain, I'm sorry... I don't know what hit me." Krill said, sincerely
" It's not your fault... It was Brainstorm... He made you do this. "
Krill still tried to stand, and helped Captian with the sandwing venom. Once Krill finished healing Captain, Krill dropped dead. Captain looked over at Krill and felt sorry for her. Then, Captain was blindfolded and carried out. It was too late to escape. Whoever these people were, they had a strong grip. He heard a bunch of doors being opened and heard a voice.
"Captain, what's happening?" Said snowflake
Now he was worried. What was he being dragged into? Then the blindfolds went off and all he could see was Brainstorm looking back at him from a screen.
"Don't worry, Captain... Everything will be just fine"
Smoke began to cloud his vision, and he felt himself change. It was a painful process, as his wounds began to heal, and his old talons were reformed. He felt as if his scales were reshifting every second. His four wings became six, and the tip of his tail felt as if everything was shoved into it. The inside of himself felt as if he was given new blood, but it made him feel lighter. Suddenly the pain stopped, then his head began to feel like it was on fire, and he began to feel like his memories were leaving him, then he felt no longer in control of himself. He heard a voice in his head.
"Welcome, new Captain... Its time to begin the uprising... but first I need you to help me bring me Snowflake into the machine." Brainstorm said
"Yes, master" Captain said.
Snowflake was still behind bars and saw the whole formation. She needed to escape, now.