Chapter 1

The Lightravellers landed near Jade mountain, and Darkstalker could hear them all.

"What happened? Why are we here?" Smartmouth said.

"The time bracelet broke in the time stream... We need to get a new one." Lilly said.

"then MAKE ONE!!!" Bumblebee growled.

" I can't.... not here. I need a base." Lilly snapped back

"Well, we can't stay here..." Ruby rose responded.

"How about we blend in?" Seahorse says.

" Yes, because an orange Seawing, and a Rainwing with leaves will surely not suspect attention" Bumblebee said.

" That's not a bad idea, I could disguise myself as Snowflake and you two can sign us in. " Lilly said.

" Alright, fine... but I hope I don't regret this. " Bumblebee grumbled.

So they walked over to the front desk, which was completely carved in stone. They had to stand in a long line of child dragons. They went up and saw a kind Nightwing, with large dark wings. She had a couple of silver teardrop scales and gleaming crystal eyes.

" Ah! Snowflake, Seahorse, and Ruby Rose." Said the list organizer

" How do you already know us? " Questioned Seahorse.

" Well, it's all on this list... Conveniently, you are all sitting next to class 1A... it's also strange that you three have a class all of your own... Oh well, I don't write the list... THIS WAY! "

The list organizer leads them to a small room, leaving Bumblebee and Smartmouth... and a line filled with dragonets... they were shoved into a different spot.

" Something's... off" Ruby rose commented.

The list organizer leads them to a small cave, which really was in sight of Moonwatcher and Kinkajou.

" What's really going on?" Snowflake asked.

" I need to be honest with you... I'm not really supposed to be doing this... I'm saving you from your doom" The list dragon said. " My name is Secretkeeper, I'm about to break my name's sake. I was supposed to kill you all, by Brainstorm and Darkstalker's word." Secretkeeper said.

Then, snowflake heard a voice. A dark but trusting voice that she immediately knew.

" Hello, Snowflake. You're the gateway into a different future. " Darkstalker called to Snowflake.

" And how do I stop you? " Snowflake thought

" Well, you can just let things happen... or... well... see for yourself!" Darkstalker called.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

" Secretkeeper, what else did Brainstorm tell you? " Ruby rose said.