In the Archives

In the Astral Lighthouse's archives, two pitch-black gems the size of half a person floated in midair, emitting a faint chill.

Although William had been hiding in the shadows with Walking Shadow, he got into trouble when he entered the archives.

He never expected the guardian to be a Shadow Soul. As he strolled along the shadows cast by the rows of bookshelves, he bumped into two pitch-black shadows who were patrolling in the shadows around the corner.

The two pitch-black, deformed figures and the shadowy William looked at each other for a few seconds. In a daze, William felt as if a green exclamation mark had jumped out of his head.

Before the two Shadow Souls sounded the alarm, he threw out two spinning illusory ring blades to imprison them.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly.

William wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead and muttered to himself.

Otherwise, he needed to use Peerless Stealth.