
A sea breeze with a hint of salt filled the sails slightly. Occasionally, the flapping wind would drown out the sound of the seawater constantly crashing into the hull. Every time this happened, the sailors on the ship would nervously climb up the mast and search for dark clouds and storms that might appear in the sky from high above.

Although the crew was almost certain that the violent storm that had wreaked havoc on the sea route to the Ava State had stopped in the past month or so, the cautious habits they had developed over the years couldn't be changed in a day or two. They wouldn't let go of any signs of a storm along the way.

This made William, who often secretly released Storm spells at the stern to propel the ship, feel a little embarrassed. This was because the gust that had appeared for no reason in the past few days had exhausted the few sailors in charge of monitoring potential storms.