Liz's Little Adventure (Part 2)

In no time at all, the two of them had captured the Faerie who had stormed into the cargo hold.

Despite the fact that her eyes shone with the divine golden light that marked her as a high-ranking, God-era faerie, she was no match for the duo and was quickly subdued.

It wasn't even much of a fight, as the captured Faerie had simply covered her head and tried to flee as soon as she realized the other party was hostile.

Faeries, being the peaceful creatures they are, rarely take the initiative in battle and often have a hard time comprehending the concept of fighting from their perspective.

Most Transcendent beings were similar in nature. Despite their innate strength, they were often weaker than mortals who had honed their combat skills and developed them into a systematic art passed down through the generations. This was because they didn't need to fight for survival like mortals did.