Magical Power Appraisal

Nizemar's stomach churned as she took in the gruesome scene before her. Blood coated the man's chin and dripped onto his animal skin garments, creating a sickening splatter. But it was the altar, used for the Holy Communion ritual, that truly made her heart drop. The bones stripped of flesh, the once human form now a blurred outline, it was a horror show that no sane person could accept. And yet, what made it even worse were the numb and sad eyes of the two children, their movements robotic and devoid of emotion after being baptized in sorrow.

Even though the Presiding Judge had explained the origins of this tradition to her, Nizemar couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong.

The idea of devouring blood-related relatives was something that no living being with a soul should ever have to endure.

A male Forest Elf stepped forward and blocked the old druid's path, rushing to wipe the blood off his face before kneeling.