Under the Night

The escort company was not a charity organization. There was no such thing as working for free.

Therefore, no matter what conspiracy was involved in this matter, as the head of the Purple Sun Escort Company, there was no reason for Su Mo to not take money.

And from another perspective, the more he behaved like this, the more it meant that he didn't know what was inside the box.

Otherwise, how could he give up such a precious treasure that was related to the Great Black Tortoise Cache for mere silver and gold?

Wang Xianglin looked at Su Mo. His gaze changed, and he asked with a faint smile, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

The corner of Wang Xianglin's mouth twitched. "Then do you know what's in this box?"

"The person who gave this to me was on the verge of death. To be honest, if he hadn't died, I would never have accepted this mission."

"But since he'd already given it to me, I couldn't just refuse it. That was why I came all the way here to deliver it to you."

"As for the item in this box… someone has already died because of it. I don't want to be the next one. Therefore, no matter what rare treasure is inside, it has nothing to do with me."

"But… that person asked me to give the item to Wang Xianglin of the Jade Spring Inn who would definitely be grateful. I remembered that."

Su Mo said confidently, "Now, you and I don't need to say any more superfluous words. Are you paying me?"

Wang Xianglin looked at Su Mo for a while and suddenly laughed. "Good, I didn't expect you to be so astute at such a young age. If you don't die, you might have a place in the martial world. I will naturally pay you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached into his sleeve. After a moment, he pulled out three banknotes and handed them to Su Mo.

"These are banknotes. As long as you don't leave the Eastern World, you can redeem them. These three hundred taels should be enough for you to have made this trip, right?"

"Of course."

Su Mo grinned and reached for the banknotes.

However, Wang Xianglin stretched out his hand and pressed Su Mo's hand down. He looked at the box in Su Mo's hand, and the meaning was obvious.

"Hahaha, of course."

Su Mo reached out and pushed the box over. Only then did Wang Xianglin hand the banknotes over.

A simple and direct transaction… Actually, this really didn't seem like the behavior of an armed escort. This gave people the feeling that they were dealing with something shady.

Holding the three hundred taels of silver banknotes in his hand, Su Mo looked at Wang Xianglin who had already gotten the brocade box and smiled lightly.

"Money and goods have been settled. This transaction is over. I shall take my leave."


Wang Xianglin held the brocade box in his hands as if he could not bear to part with it. He did not care at all about Su Mo's farewell.

But just as Su Mo was about to leave the room, Wang Xianglin spoke.

"Let me give you a piece of advice. If you don't want to cause trouble for yourself, remember to keep your mouth shut about what happened today!"

Su Mo turned around and glanced at him. He did not say anything but closed the door after leaving the room.

One door away, Su Mo stood still. With a thought, a panel appeared in front of him.

[Mission: Send the box to Wang Xianglin of the Jade Spring Inn in Chicken Crow's Pass Station!]

[Reward: Being settled…]

Looking at this notification, Su Mo did not heave a sigh of relief. He frowned slightly and turned to look at the door before turning to leave.

Inside the guest room, the black cloth wrapped around the brocade box had already been removed. However, the brocade box was thrown aside like a pair of worn-out shoes.

Wang Xianglin sat by the window. The window was half open.

At this moment, he was no longer holding the book, nor was he holding the cup of tea that he had forgotten to drink.

It was a saber that he was holding.

He gently rubbed the blade while looking at Su Mo's departing figure from the corner of his eyes. He only let out a sigh of relief after Su Mo left the inn, the street, and the station.

Suddenly, the wind caused the other half of the window to open.

A person entered with the wind.

The moment this person entered, he sat on the stool by the table.

He picked up the cup of tea and looked like he was going to drink it.

However, he heard a loud bang as the back of his hand was hit by the scabbard.

A voice followed. "Pour it yourself."


Exasperated, the man poured himself a cup of tea and placed a sword on the table.

The sword… was very long, seven feet long!

"He left just like that?"

"It has nothing to do with him."

"Then I'm leaving too."

"Run faster, maybe you can catch up."


The swordsman was very angry. "I'm already very fast."

"Apparently not fast enough."

Wang Xianglin glanced outside. "He's here."

"… Bastard, does he really think I'm afraid of him! I'm just respecting the elderly!"

The swordsman took out his sword and flew out. Just as he landed on the ground, he heard the sound of a rod tearing through the air. Raising his head, he saw an old man dressed in ragged clothes, with a wooden rod and a red wine gourd hanging from his waist, descending from the sky.

The swordsman wanted to draw his sword, but after pondering for a moment, he stamped his feet and flew away.

The old man with the red wine gourd glanced at the window of Wang Xianglin's room before chasing after the swordsman.

One after another, they went far away in the blink of an eye.

That night, Su Mo had coincidentally met these two people in the forest. However, this fight had extended to Chicken's Crow Pass Station. From the looks of it, it seemed that they still needed to continue fighting.

After Wang Xianglin retracted his gaze, he sighed softly and glanced at the brocade box that had been abandoned at the side. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but it was hard to tell what he was thinking.


There was no light tonight. There was wind, and it was very strong.

A figure silently jumped out of the window on the second floor of the inn.

The tip of his toes touched the ground, and with another leap, he was already on the roof.

He sprinted, but there was no sound at all.

If one closed one's eyes and did not look, one would never have thought that there was someone running wildly on the roof.

Not only was he running wildly, his speed was also fast. He seemed to be chasing after the wind, but he also seemed to be propelled forward by the wind.

In a breath, he had already left the station.

In the blink of an eye, he had already left the 10-mile journey behind him.

Suddenly, he stopped by a lake and exhaled lightly.

He flipped his hand and took out a brocade box.

With a single glance, he placed the brocade box to the side. Then, he gently wiped his face and tore off a human skin mask.

A delicate and refined face was revealed.

As she removed the cap, her long hair flowed down like a waterfall.

Suddenly, her expression changed.

"Come out!"

The night was silent, and only the sound of the wind could be heard. After a moment, a young man who was gnawing his teeth appeared from the shadows.

"The night had just started, and I was already very shocked. Why did Wang Xianglin suddenly become a woman?"

"You didn't leave!?"

This woman looked at Su Mo who had appeared in front of her, her eyes filled with astonishment.