Where Did You Come From?

Actually, Yang Xiaoyun already had an answer when she asked this question.

Without waiting for Su Mo to speak, she said, "I heard something."


"Wei Ruhan actually doesn't want to give the position of the chief leader to anyone."

Yang Xiaoyun continued. "Wei Ruhan originally had three sons. The eldest son, Wei Qifeng, fought with someone on the banks of the Cross River. He was killed and thrown into the Cross River. Wei Ruhan led his men to search for him for three years, but they could not find his corpse."

"The second son, Wei Qixiong, has been apprenticed to the Yin Yang Stranger since he was young. In order to cultivate the Heaven and Earth Great Millstone Yin Yang Disc, he stepped into the extreme north alone and went deep into the glacier for 10,000 miles. This trip lasted for 23 years and he had yet to return… I'm afraid everything pointed to disaster."