Justice Village

The distance from Sunset City to Clear Jade Mountain was long. Some time ago, after Su Mo returned home, he brought back more than 400 taels of silver, and Uncle Fu bought two fine horses in the city.

However, even if they traveled day and night, it would take at least half a month.

If they were to start at dawn and stop at night, they would have to spend at least a month traveling if they encountered any delays along the way.

After setting out on the journey, it was peaceful for several days.

Apart from encountering a few robbers, they didn't encounter any major events.

As for that highway robber…

He fled just at the mere sight of the bright silver spear in Yang Xiaoyun's hand.

Some of those who knew her even came over to greet her. They were curious as to why Yang Xiaoyun was not the leader of the group.

After knowing that she was accompanying the Purple Sun Escort Company, they looked at Su Mo strangely.