Think About It Before You Act

"Daoist Priest Cangming, how do you feel?"

Luo Zhen quickly stood up and came to him, a faint worry in his rat-like eyes.

"… Is it Ugly Gentleman?"

Daoist Priest Cangming was taken aback, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The corners of Luo Zhen's mouth twitched. "A gentleman is a gentleman. I'm clearly a gentleman. How am I ugly?"

"Who doesn't know that Ugly Gentleman, although ugly, has the best heart…"

Daoist Priest Cangming smiled weakly, but his gaze turned doubtful as he looked at Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun. It was only when he saw the silver spear in Yang Xiaoyun's hands that he suddenly realized: "Dragon Abyss Spear… judging by your age, you are probably Yang Yizhi's daughter, right?"

"Junior Yang Xiaoyun of the Iron Blood Escort Company, paying respects to Venerable Cangming."

Yang Xiaoyun clasped her fists and bowed respectfully, then introduced Su Mo: "This is Su Mo, the head of the Purple Sun Escort Company."