Thirteen Life-Reaping Swords

The joy and pain between people were never interlinked.

It was as if no one could imagine the torment the three commanders of the Blood Sea Division were enduring at this moment.

In their eyes, the entire world had disappeared.

Only one sword remained.

A sword that could take their lives at any moment but deliberately chose not to.

The demonic techniques they once possessed, which could change the heavens and the earth, allowed rapid recovery of injuries. Originally, these techniques were used to take the lives of disciples of the Nether Spring Sect who practiced the same martial arts.

However… Who would care?

The martial arts of the Nether Spring Sect had always been about suppressing the inferior with the superior.

The lower ranks would always be ants.

They could treat ordinary disciples of the Nether Spring Sect in this way, and the Supremacy of the two divisions could also treat them the same way.