Who Is It? (3)

Wei Ziyi knew that she herself could not do it, and Hua Qianyu probably could not either. Even her grandfather, Wei Ruhan… It was hard to say when he was young, but now, it was certain that a single strike would end his life.

For a person like this, if he ignored the rules and disregarded the lives of the people in the four cities, three rivers, and two bays, with just himself, he could wipe out the entire Fallen Phoenix Alliance!

Such a person, to use or manipulate?

Anyone with such thoughts was courting death!

However, Iron Xiangying never expected to hear such an answer from Wei Ziyi. He stood there in astonishment.

He wanted to say something more, but Wei Ziyi waved his hand, "Enough, let's stop here. Take me to see City Lord Hua."


Tie Xiangying didn't dare to say more, and after a simple acknowledgment, he led the way.

To the common people in Sky Feather City, this night seemed ordinary.