Terrifying (3)

In a hurry to escape, only 50,000 taels could be taken. Otherwise, there might not be much money left.

Su Mo looked at the banknotes in his hand and clicked his tongue in admiration. Then he said to Yang Xiaoyun, "Stay with me for now. When we reach the inn later, we'll split the 50,000 taels evenly."

"Do I get a share too?"

Yang Xiaoyun was somewhat surprised, "Little Mo, the Purple Sun Escort Company is in a difficult situation now…

"We have to take it step by step. If you really give me 50,000 taels, aren't you worried I'll squander them all?"

"That's true."

Yang Xiaoyun thought of Su Mo's previous actions and nodded, "Although I don't think you'll revert to your old ways, it's good to have me around. I won't have to worry about being penniless when I get married in the future."

When Su Mo heard this, he felt a bit dazed.

During their journey together, his perception of Yang Xiaoyun had changed compared to before.