Heaven Swallowing Sparrow

It could be said that with this thing, Ye Qiu only needed to enter seclusion for a period of time and he would definitely be able to break through to the Paragon realm and successfully form a Supreme body.

As long as one had a Supreme Body, they could still be reconstructed no matter how serious their injuries were, even if their limbs were broken.

This was a watershed between the mortal body and the Supreme body.

However, Ye Qiu didn't plan on breaking through now because he could vaguely sense that there would definitely be changes in the next few days.

"Storm Pear Blossom Needles! Hmm… This is a good thing, but I won't need it for the time being. I'll keep it for now."

Ye Qiu took out the Storm Pear Blossom Needles from the system storage and weighed it in his hand before putting it into his storage jade.