There's No Need to Use a Sword to Deal with You

The tense aura was burning. The two powerful sword intents collided, producing brilliant sparks. In an instant, the wind and grass within a hundred miles gathered under the violent wind, forming a layer of sword energy.

Tianji Zi held his sword in one hand and leaped into the sky, looking down on all living beings. This was a grudge that had existed for many years. However, the former protagonist had evolved from Daoist Xuantian to Ye Qiu.

The trauma from many years ago was still unforgettable to Tianji Zi. He looked fiercely at Ye Qiu below. He could sense the powerful sword intent emitted by the other party. However, just the sword intent alone was not enough to defeat him. His gaze locked onto Ye Qiu. Tianji Zi looked at the energy sword between his fingers and asked, "Where's your sword?"