One Sword Strike, Entering the Dragon Gate

Ye Qiu slowly walked over while holding the Cloudy Heavens. The playfulness in his expression gradually became obvious.

Tianji Zi was already flustered the moment the Cloudy Heavens Sword appeared. All the arrogance from before disappeared without a trace at this moment. He didn't dare to shout: Who else?

"Little old man, aren't you quite brave? Why are you limping now?" Ye Qiu walked over teasingly. At this moment, Tianji Zi's expression seemed to be saying, Don't come over.

"Damn it!" Tian Jizi knew that there was no way out as he retreated again and again, so he simply stopped retreating. "So what if it's an immortal sword? I'm going all out today." Tianji Zi shouted domineeringly. A trace of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes, as if he was plotting something.