Peak of Yun Ding, Linglong Ascends (1)

"What does she want to do? I want to go up…"

No one dared to take a step forward as they looked at Little Linglong standing in front of the ancient path.

They had all seen how terrifying Little Linglong was just now. Who would dare to provoke her now? However, no one was willing to give up when they were so close to obtaining the final victory.

"Get out of the way!" Fuyao snorted and instantly lured a green lotus over to entangle Little Linglong. She instantly exerted strength and threw Little Linglong away. At this moment, a purple sword charged over from behind and cut through the vines.

"Senior Sister."

When she saw Lin Qingzhu appear in front of her again, she was instantly delighted. Her mood gradually improved as if she had withered and returned to normal.

When Lin Qingzhu felt her aura starting to fade, she knew that things were going to get bad. If she had known earlier, she would have pretended to be dead for a while.