Nine Heavens Divine Punishment, Disciple Recruitment Ceremony

"Charge, charge, charge…"

Ye Qiu became even more excited. The smile on his face gradually became crazy.

Coupled with the previous Killing A Person From Ten Thousand Miles Away divine technique and his current divine power, immunity to the mental demons outside the borders, it could be said that he was a hexagonal warrior in all aspects.

This wave of harvest was harvested beautifully. Not only did he receive a wave of feedback for nothing, but he also obtained such an unexpected gain.

After fusing with this magical power, Ye Qiu continued to break through to the peak of the King-Ranked realm. His cultivation level advanced rapidly, and half a month passed.

On this day, Ye Qiu finally reached the late-stage King-Ranked realm. Now, he only needed to increase his mental state to reach the peak of the realm.